Portrait Gallery
Full gallery of portraits, with links to full interviews.

Zachi Anderson: “Make trails more than a dotted line.”
“Money has gotten us greed. Money has gotten us famine. Money has gotten us global pollution and warming. Money is a handy tool, but it's not a healthy obsession. The things that bring us the most meaning is helping, is being a gift, is showing up and being valued, making a difference, really feeling like you belong.”

Tracy McClelland: “Trails is the best therapist we have”
“I truly believe that trails are the best therapy for the people of our country. People would do better if they took a heavy backpack with all the shit that they believe they need in the world and walk out and deal with themselves.”

Sam Walters is pursuing a “liberal arts education in trails.”
“There's a firstness about manual labor in the woods that keeps trail work so regional. There is a vernacular. But there's still something interesting about that larger shared language.”

Trevor Taylor: Trails to Community
“There's a cultural shift happening in the outdoor and conservation world. We need to shift and start talking about things as community-focused. If we lose sight of who's using the trails or who can use the trails, then I think the work we do becomes a moot point.”

Otzma-Bie Paz: On Ego and Ethics
“Crew leading really teaches you so much about people and leadership in general. Every person is different. Every crew is different. Every project is different. It's really hard. It teaches you a lot about yourself.”

Amber Winsor: Freedom Beyond the Cubicle
“I remember feeling like my soul was getting sucked out through the computer and my entire essence was turning the beige of my cubicle. And I was like, I gotta fucking get outta here.”

Mike Snyder: 28 Years and Counting
“If I could, I would do this for a lot longer. It’s been about 28 years of doing trail work. Happy, happy life.”