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so the robots toil away in oblivion.

has nobody told you?

there's been a federal hiring freeze

and almost everyone i know has lost their job.

and those that haven't wait for the next fork in the road,

threats promises to downsize

"lower productivity jobs in the public sector.”

mandates to snitch report DEI coworkers

don't you know robot?

there will be no more NPS jobs.

there will be no more park rangers

at stone wall or MLKs home to tell the stories

of those that fought for our freedom.

there will be no scientists

to study the trees, glaciers, flowers, fish, and mountains.

there will be no trail crew

to show you how to find it.

there will be no one to tell you

climate change is real.

there will be no one to say

"this place is special and unique and worthy of protection.”

robot, i love my public lands.

do you know how many stairs i've built?

how many trees i've planted?

how many times i've been stung by hornets

while pulling invasive plants?

how many miles i've carried barbed wire?

how many boots i've blown out and blisters i've gotten?

how many sick visitors i’ve carried up hills?

how many tears i’ve cried

when i didn’t think i could do a good enough job?

i've loved working for my public lands

and i've always known i loved the NPS more

then it would ever love me back,

but robot.

it hurts to see this.

i recently learned the spanish word, la tusa.

it means the state of heartbreak.

i think i learned it so i could know what this feeling is

Maddi Bacon

Maddi Bacon is an artist and conservationist. To find more of their work, find them on Instagram @baconbitmadison or at


Where Do Federal Employees Go From Here? It’s Not On Vacation.